The Cuillin |
Usually I try to get to Skye at least
once every year and some times manage a second trip. I had never been
there while the ridge had on its winter coat on despite years of
wanting. I'm not much of a twitter user and only really go on once or
twice a week at most so it was by chance that last Thursday I noticed a
tweet by the guide, Alan Kimber, with a link to a photo of the Cuillin
taken that day. upon opening the link there was only one thing that i
was going to be doing over the Easter weekend! The snow was down to
at least 3-400m and the forecast was near perfect too. I set about
trying to find someone else who would be available and enthusiastic
enough to head up to the far North West. John was Skiing in Glen Coe
when I phoned him and was very keen. I arranged to meet him the next
morning at Spean Bridge.
Me and John with the Forcan Ridge behind |
After meeting on Friday Morning we
decided to do the Forcan ridge on the Saddle on the way up. It was a
fine day with a cold wind and the ridge was under good winter
conditions. Unfortunately John twisted his ankle whilst descending and
then found two hollows under the snow with the same foot in the space
of 5 minutes, dreadful luck. After getting down we continued to the Croft bunkhouse
in Portnalong, which is now under new ownership. It was apparent that
John would not manage anything the next day as although giving little
pain, his foot had swollen up considerably. I decided that I wanted
to have a go at a traverse of the northern three Munro's on the
ridge. Being solo it would be the most serious thing I've done in the
mountains anywhere but there was no reason I couldn't mange it.
John on the Forcan Ridge |
I got up at 0730 the next day to a beautiful morning. I chose to sort out my kit outside the bunkhouse
where it was very pleasant. I opted to take two 45m ropes with me
which would give me a larger margin of error when it came to needing
to abseil. Personally I didn't mind carrying the extra weight as I had three (ended up doing five) planned abseils to do although after adding food, water, some
slings as well as personal climbing kit from harness and helmet
through to waterproofs did make my pack quite heavy. When climbing
with someone the fact that the ropes are out and not actually being
carried makes movement a lot easier as opposed to carrying them on your
back like I would have to do. I drove along to the MRT post at Sligachan where I started along the path.
Sgurr nan Gillean and Am Basteir |
My planned route was to go up the South
East ridge of Sgurr nan Gillean, down the West ridge, up Am
Basteir from the col before descending onto the Tooth and finally heading
over Bruach na Frithe and then down the North West ridge. I moved
quite quickly up towards and then through Coire Riabhach, all the time
the towering bulk of Gillean and the crooked fang of the Tooth in all
their awesomeness doing nothing to inspire me with great confidence
and certainly making me thing twice about my plans. Upon reaching the Coire that is bound by the SE ridge and the famous Pinnacle Ridge, it
was time to get geared up. The snow ahead up to the ridge was solid
of the nature that only shows spike marks from crampons as proof of
your passing. I put on my harness now rather than wait till reaching an abseil and fumbling around in an exposed position where the added
hazard of crampons could be serious, then I begun ascending the slope that eventually
formed into steep easy gullys on the SE Ridge. I made quick and efficient
progress on the snow mainly due to its perfect constituency and as I reached the crest the view beyond was nothing short of phenomenal
The rest of the ridge held its winter bindings down to a low level on all of the flanks that were visible and also the route to Gillean and beyond to Am
Basteir looked very intimidating.
The ridge up Gillean with Am Basteir beyond |
I headed up the ridge sticking to the
crest until it steepened, the route then went round the Coire Lota
side following ledges with some exposed rock steps until rejoining the
crest at the eastern end of the summit. The summit crest was impressively exposed and after a few photos I continued on the
traverse down the West Ridge constantly subconsciously weighting up the chances of a
fall with the consequences of that fall to judge what speed I
would allow myself to move at. The crux of the day came just after
threading the window (which didn't seem to be optional in winter)
when the route involved descending on steep crusty snow with no
decent axe placements or handholds above the NW face of Gillean. After this section was complete the rest of the descend was easy up until the top of Tooth Chimney was reached which was the
first of the planned abseils on the route. There was good gear at the
top and one rope was long enough. From the bottom I traversed
back onto the ridge and made my way to the Col.
Me on the Summit of Sgurr nan Gillean |
Veiw down the West ridge |
I raced up the easy but exposed crest
of Am Basteir until reaching the notch about halfway up. A short
abseil was required and once again there was good gear in place so I didn't have to leave any. After the summit of Am Basteir is passed
the route goes down left on to the Coire Lota face until the Neck
with the tooth is reached. I had thought this would require one
abseil but I ended up doing two and leaving gear at both. It is far
better to leave gear when you feel it necessarily rather than trust dodgy looking anchors or risk getting a rope snagged or jammed whilst
trying to retrieve it. After reaching the neck I ascended onto the
top of the tooth.
Half way down Tooth Chimney |
View from the bottom of Tooth Chimney |
At this point I had an internal dilemma
I had seen people abseiling off the high overhanging nose of the
tooth some years ago and it was impressive to say the least. There was already a
thin but new looking bit of cord in place and I had no desire to
abseil down the enclosed King's Cave as I had done a few summers ago. Added to
this I had lugged around a rope that I had so far found no use for. I was
running thin on excuses not to do it and despite being very apprehensive and the view off the nose doing nothing to settle me I decided to do it. I got out my other rope and tied them together, I left a crab on the cord but was unable to back it up. Throwing the
ropes over the edge and watching them sway out into the abyss above
Coire a'Bhasteir before disappearing below the overhang also done
nothing to settle my nerves but I had gone too far now and this was
getting done. The anchor was such that until I was out on the initial
hoared up slab before the abysmal drop below it could not be properly
tested yet it was only the niggling doubt that arises from fear that
told that it might not be as solid as it looked. Once the initial push
was done and I was over the edge I began to enjoy what is probably
one of the most exciting abseils in Scotland. About halfway down I heard a click and realized despite being methodical I hadn't done up
my screw gate to which my belay was on and had heard a bit of gate chatter! The last 10-15m of the abseil after passing the final over hang is completely
in mid-air and by the end you find yourself on a wide but exposed
Gillean form Am Basteir |
After retrieving the ropes and with the
major difficulties behind me I continued along to Bruach na Frithe. I had not encountered anyone up until reaching the col with Sgurr a'Basteir but Bruach na Frithe being one of the Easiest Munro's on the ridge, gets a lot of traffic and this showed with me passing in excess of
20 people form the short distance form here to the summit. The high
cloud that formed and lingered since the blue skies at which I had
left Sligachan to had now given way to the sun again and this took
its toll on the snow(as well as my face as the sunburn showed the
next day!). descending the narrow NW ridge was enjoyable at first but
as the snow softened it became more and more of a task. About halfway
down an opportunity to descend into Fionn Choire by a solid snow slope
in the shade arouse. This would also allow me to traverse over the
col above Meal Odhar and onto the Basteir gorge path. After reaching the path I stopped and dipped my feet in the river as I was feeling
the effects of wearing rigid boots and crampons all day, then I headed back down to the car.
Me after Descending the Tooth |
On top of Bruach na Frithe |
Looking down the NW ridge |
John tried to go up with me to Coire
Lagan the next day but had to turn back unfortunately. We had planned
to do a traverse from Sgurr Mhic Choinnich round to Sgurr na Ciche. I
went up myself and traversed a very exposed Mhic Choinnich before
abseiling down kings Chimney and then descending the Grade one gulley 'Bomb Alley' which joins onto the stone shoot. I might have went
further and even stayed away for a few more days but I bruised my ankle at some
point the previous day and it wasn't getting any better.
From the ridge up Mhic Choinnich |
The Exposed crest of Mhic Choinnich with the ridge beyond |
Looking down Bomb Alley into Coire Lagan |
The two days on Skye are certainly the
most serious and committing things I have done in the mountains and
the traverse of the front three was probably the best day I've ever
had. Skye is special at the best of times and in winter, it is
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